Gaia-X Portuguese Hub


Gaia-X Portuguese Hub

Data is increasingly a critical factor for the creation of new business models, driving the creation of innovation ecosystems and fostering European economic competitiveness and prosperity.

To boost the European Union's leading position in the data and cloud economy, it is necessary to create an open digital ecosystem that allows European companies to compete globally.

It is in this context that Gaia-X arises, a project born in Europe, for Europe, which aims to create an open, secure and reliable, hyper-scalable and aggregating data and cloud infrastructure. (

Gaia-X Hub Portugal is the national initiative to promote and streamline this secure and federated data and infrastructure ecosystem, in line with European values ​​and standards, ensuring that partners in the Portuguese data business ecosystem can bring to Gaia-X its initiatives and objectives and thus contribute to its consolidation and evolution.

The Gaia-X Hub Portugal was established on May 26, 2021, in a public ceremony that took place in the Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Aveiro, as a joint initiative between the Secretary of State for Digital Transition, the Gaia-X AISBL Association, and the TICE.PT 

The dynamization and operation of the GAIA-X national Hub is in charge of TICE.PT.

Gaia-X a European-wide initiative

Established in September 2020 by 22 German and French companies and organizations, with strong support from their respective governments and in alignment with the European Commission, the Gaia-X AISBL (non-profit association) now comprises more than 250 European and global companies.

Gaia-X is a European and global project. It is based on European values. The objective is to establish data spaces and ecosystems in various domains in Europe, the same objective that the European Commission intends with the European Data Strategy. Gaia-X thus positions itself as a key component for the establishment of these data spaces and ecosystems, helping to break down data silos and avoid data locks.

Gaia-X is intended to be a trusted option for a data infrastructure ecosystem across Europe and beyond. The key to this success lies in the ability to focus on the user side and to build this ecosystem taking advantage of the initiatives already underway that promote the development of new business models and data spaces in the European Union and its member states.

In this sense, the figure of Gaia-X Hub is promoted as the voice of user ecosystems at a national level. The main objective of these Hubs will be the development of ecosystems, linking national initiatives and acting as a central point of contact for interested entities in the respective countries.

Join us

Gaia-X is considered a very important instrument for the objectives of the national digital transition strategy and in particular for the development of the Portuguese data economy ecosystem.

The Gaia-X Hub Portugal is a coordination initiative that will help support the participation of the national data economy ecosystem in Gaia-X. It should act as a privileged channel to reach the Gaia-X AISBL with the needs of national stakeholders in the area of ​​data and promote the national contribution to the continued development of the objectives of the Gaia-X AISBL, as a sovereign data infrastructure based on a layer of data services. federation and usage policies and standards.

GAIA-X Hub Portugal is aimed at all national stakeholders in the area of ​​data economy. We encourage the participation of all entities that want to contribute with their technical requirements and specific data domain requirements and want to actively participate in Gaia-X. Companies and organizations interested in developing the values ​​underlying Gaia-X through national collaborative innovation initiatives and in joint European projects will also be welcome.

