Steering Gaia-X Hub Portugal


Steering Gaia-X Hub Portugal

The Gaia-X Hub Portugal Steering Committee meeting took place on July 11. This meeting was attended by Ubiwhere, Altice Labs, Glintt, IP-Telecom, InCentea, CCG, AMA and NOS. In this meeting the TICE.PT presented the work that is being developed by the Portuguese Hub, in particular, from the point of view of:

  • Contacts with the mobilizing agendas of the PRR,
  • Contacts with other Hubs and Lighthouse projects: Hub Spain with objective in Tourism, Catena-X and Omega-X,
  • Accompaniment of the Technical Committee e da Open Source Software (OSS) Community,
  • Coordination with AMA, which is the Portuguese representative in the GAB of GAIA-X AISBL
  • Launch of the Gaia-X Hub Portugal website,
  • Presential meeting of Hubs in Finland,
  • The establishment of a Fiware iHUB,
  • FIWARE and IDSA membership.

This meeting also addressed the theme of national data spaces (DS) and their respective working groups, including the Technical Support Working Group (GTST) for the operationalization and dynamization of each of these DTs.
In this way, Ubiwhere has already committed itself in this discussion with the leadership of the DS of smartcities and NOS with the DS of Mobility.