TICE.PT met with the office of the Secretary of State for Modernization and Digitalization to talk about the topic of Data


TICE.PT met with the office of the Secretary of State for Modernization and Digitalization to talk about the topic of Data

On May 9th, the TICE.PT was attended by the Secretary of State for Modernization and Digitalization and members of his team, to present the strategy and work that have been carried out in the area of Data. The Gaia-X and International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) initiatives were presented, as well as the responsibilities assigned to the TICE.PT within the scope of Gaia-X Hub Portugal and the future IDSA Competence Center Portugal, which is both the coordinator and facilitator in Portugal.

It was made known about the dissemination effort that has been carried out, both internally in the TICE.PT but also with leaders of PRR's innovation agendas and pacts, projects that, due to their characteristics, are natural candidates for the application of the results of these initiatives.

The importance of drawing the attention of the national business community to the construction of a new data-based economy was highlighted, as well as the criticality of adopting the best practices in accelerated development by numerous international initiatives, such as Gaia-X and IDSA, as opposed to being "inventing the wheel" again.