Participation in the C-Days meeting, in Coimbra, in the session "EDiHs Network - A network for innovation in cybersecurity"

The Convent of São Francisco, in Coimbra, will be the stage for numerous actions integrated in the program of the C-Days event. The sessions are divided into the four rooms of the space (Grand Auditorium, Convent Room, Third Room and Inês de Castro Room).
Vasco Lagarto, Operational Director of TICE.PT  , will be present on the second day of activities, with an intervention taking place in the Convent Room, at 10:45 am, with the theme "EDiHs Network - A network for innovation in cybersecurity".

The round table, with the participation of IAPMEI, ANI, DiH's C-HUB and CONNECT5, sought to show how the DiH's network can help SMEs in their digital transformation process, accessing advanced digital skills, process testing platforms and innovative technologies in real environments and adapted to their needs, in addition to the possibility of obtaining advice and support for access to financing necessary for their digital acceleration.

C-DAYS is a national reference event in the area of cybersecurity, whose main objective is to promote a space for discussion and reflection on the major themes that concern, directly or indirectly, cyberspace security, from a strategic, operational and technical perspective.
The 10th edition of the C-DAYS conference, dedicated to the theme +Prevention, is once again the meeting point for the cybersecurity community in Portugal, which seeks to provide the ideal environment for sharing cybersecurity knowledge, ideas and practices.
The C-DAYS 2024 Conference brings together, once again, speakers from different areas (decision-makers, practitioners, academics, students and the community in general) to discuss and promote reflection in the fields of society, economy, public policies, ethics and law, risks and conflicts, as well as innovation and future technologies, applied to cyberspace.
In this edition of C-DAYS, in addition to keynote speakers and thematic panels, cybersecurity workshops will be held, taught by experts, aimed at different target audiences, and meetings will be held with the different cybersecurity communities.

19 Jun, 2024