Lead Promoter | Helsinki Business College (HBC)

Partners | Inova+; KNOW AND CAN ASSOCIATION; Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; TICE.PT; Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences; Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce; Algebra University College; Croatian Employers Association; Tartu Vocational Education Centre; BCS Koolitus

Funding program |  Erasmus+ (Programa da União Europeia)

(Project Nº.:  612656-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-SSA-P )

The aim of the DIHUB project is to develop an interconnected development service model (platform) and a network based on cloud and mobile technologies (4G/5G) across Europe. In the developed model, the latest cloud and mobile technology tools can be used for practical learning sessions, innovative cooperation and for innovative development of pilot projects for professional excellence and companies. Five digital innovation hubs for cloud-based services will be created in different locations across Europe.


The consortium aims to develop:

- A Training Program and training material with the latest technologies and tools from cloud providers.

- A "Hub Model" of nodes grouped, firstly in 5 European countries and then extended to other EU countries.

- A European center that will host different projects, where students will be able to familiarize themselves with different cloud technologies and develop more ideas for services coming from companies.

- Links between professional education, higher education, and companies in the form of collaborative projects.


Official project website http://dihubcloud.eu/