Lead Promoter | Universidad de Salamanca

Partners |  Bisite (ES), Adezos (ES), Cartif (ES), Ice (ES), Junta de Castilha y Leon (ES); IPN (PT), Inovcluster (PT) e TICE.PT (PT)

Funding | Interreg V-A Espanha – Portugal 2014- 2020 (PocTep)

Total Investment | 697.105,24 €

TICE.PT Investment | 26.666,67 €

Total Eligible | 522.828,93 €

TICE.PT Eligible | 20.000,00 €

Start Date | 01/07/2019

End Date | 05/04/2022

Co-financed by | fundo europeu de desenvolvimento regional (FEDER) no quadro do programa Interreg V-A Espanha – Portugal 2014- 2020 (PocTep)

The POCTEP regions are constituted, predominantly, by rural areas, high levels of aging population and an economic development below the average from the EC, resulting in a lack of expertise and training in most technological areas.

Over the past few years, new technologies applied to the industrial sector have caused changes in market perception. The development of Internet-related software and hardware technologies of the future and their related areas such as Big Data, Open Data, Internet of Things (IoT), are driving towards a technological revolution at all levels.

The members of the DIGITEC project intend to boost the implementation of advanced digital technologies and blockchain in companies from the cross-border area, aiming to achieve a relevant improvement on the business processes and, consequently, in the competitiveness of the Portuguese and Spanish companies.


The main objective of this project is to promote the research, technological development and innovation in the Castilla y Léon Region and in the Centre Region of Portugal.

Specific objectives:
O1: DIGITEC seeks to strengthen the ecosystem created in the IOTEC project, promoting the match between supply and demand of advanced technologies;

O2: To improve the quality and excellence of the scientific research produced in the cross-border region;

O3: To transform the cross-border region as a whole, promoting research activities and intensifying the work of reference Centres and the number of specialised researchers;

O4: Create a pull effect that will contribute to the development and competitiveness of the cross-border area.


Expected Results:

• Expansion of working groups and the work ecosystem, initiated in the IOTEC project;

• Identification, diagnosis, training and consulting of ICT companies with the potential to develop advanced digital solutions and blockchains;

• Identification, diagnosis, training and consulting of companies in the agro-industrial area with the potential to implement advanced digital solutions and blockchain solutions;

• Development of matchmaking actions between suppliers and providers of advanced digital solutions and blockchain;

• Development of an open innovation tool with the aim of fostering collaboration between ICT SMEs and agro-industrial SMEs;

• Creation of a knowledge map with relevant actors, products, services, skills and projects in the project's cooperation area.