Lead Promoter | TICE.PT

Funding Program |  Sistema de Apoio a Ações Coletivas - Redes e outras formas de parceria e cooperação

Total eligible investment | 380.313,00€

Execution Level:| 89,40%

Start date | 2017-05-03

End date | 2020-05-02

Co-financed by | COMPETE 2020, P2020, FEDER

Entidades Financiadoras

ÁGORA intends to reinforce the activities of TICE.PT with a view to strengthening its network within the scope of collective efficiency strategies aimed at training the cluster and the Tice sector to leverage competitiveness, promote innovation and stimulate the internationalization of the economy.

The project's strategic objective is to “strengthen the activities of TICE.PT with a view to strengthening its network within the scope of collective efficiency strategies, in the sense of training the cluster and the TICE sector to leverage competitiveness, promoting innovation and the stimulus to the internationalization of the economy, through:

  • Reinforcement of clustering initiatives and their effectiveness and efficiency in terms of innovation and national and international competitive capacity.
  • Reinforcement of collaborative practices between companies and the other entities of the R&I System that contribute to creating synergies and strengthening cooperation ties.
  • Reinforcement of the insertion of tice.pt in international networks of clusters (strengthening collaboration with similar entities) and international knowledge networks.”