Validation and signature of the Term of Acceptance and Consortium Agreement related to the agenda BLOKCHAIN.PT

The validation process of the Term of Acceptance and Consortium Agreement related to the BLOCKCHAIN.PT agenda ended on July 30, 2023. Subsequently, the signing of this same Term of Acceptance took place.

The BLOCKCHAIN.PT agenda aims to promote the development and adoption of decentralized technologies (Distributed Ledger Technologies), including Blockchain, in a transversal way to the Economy. It is organized around several vertical work packages that focus on sectors such as Agri-food; Health; Sustainable Communities and the Climate Transition; Sport, Culture and Leisure; the new Data and Knowledge Economy and also the Financial sector.

Transversally, it will promote the demonstration of solutions that integrate several products developed, including creating an application for the Continente Producers Club, the use of Secure Key Custody in various sectors (games, agri-food and logistics, health) and financial and payment services. On the other hand, it will seek to address the theme of interoperability at the legal and regulatory, organizational, semantic and technical levels. It will also build guides for the implementation and adoption of compliant solutions such as the European Digital Identity Wallet architecture.

Validação do Contrato de Consórcio e assinatura do Termo de Aceitação da agenda BLOCKCHAIN.PT
31 Jul, 2023