Sessão de Encerramento do Projeto AcTivas

On June 22, at 2 p.m., the Closing Session of the AcTiVas Project took place. The "Sala do Infante", in Alfândega do Porto, was the place chosen to host the event.

The ID&T AcTiVas mobilizing project, supported by PT2020, took place between 2020 and 2023, bringing together a consortium of 20 business and non-business entities from the Habitat, TICE and Health value chains, with the aim of developing competitive solutions for Built Environments for an Active, Safe and Healthy Life.

The opening session had the interventions of:

  • Pedro Meira - KENTRA
  • UE Representative - TBC

This was followed by the presentation of the project in question (AcTivas), which had as speakers:

  • Pedro Meira - KENTRA
  • Victor Ferreira - Cluster Habitat Sustentável

After the framing of what was the project over these 3 years, followed a Round Table that had as its motto "The paradigm shift for an active and healthy aging". In this action was a panel composed by:

  • Vasco Lagarto - TICE.PT (moderador)
  • António Gouveia - Residências Montepio
  • Bruno Vaz - Grupo AGEAS Portugal
  • António Tavares - Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
  • Mónica Baptista - Município de Ílhavo
  • Manuel Ramalho Eanes - NOS

There was also time to go through the "Exhibition Space: AcTivas & Networking" where it was possible for the project stakeholders to physically show the results of the work developed since 2020.

The event ended with a session of conviviality and sharing, sympathetically accompanied with Porto de Honra.

Sessão de Encerramento do Projeto AcTivas
26 Jun, 2023