Boost DIH technical session brings together 17 national Digital Innovation Hubs

Cluster TICE.PT, in the role of leader of DIH CONNECT5, participated on June 7th in the BOOST DIH technical session that took place at IAPMEI headquarters in Lisbon.

This event brought together the 17 national DIH/Digital Innovation Hubs, IAPMEI, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Economic Activities (DGAE), the National Innovation Agency (ANI), COMPETE, Startup Portugal and the Portugal Digital Mission Structure, with the aim of boosting the National Network of Digital Innovation Hubs.

The state of play of the main issues previously raised by DIH was taken into account and some of the doubts clarified. It should be noted that the validation process of the TAs (Terms of Acceptance) submitted by the DIHs should be closed on June 30 and that the first meeting of the National Network of Digital Innovation Hubs is being planned for the month of July.

Sessão técnica Boost DIH junta 17 Pólos de Inovação Digital nacionais
09 Jun, 2023