ActiVas Plenary Meeting

On December 16, 2021, the 3rd Plenary Meeting of the Mobilizador ActiVas project was held with the aim of presenting the main works carried out and the results achieved since the beginning of the project. This meeting took place at the University of Aveiro in person and online for copromotes who did not have the opportunity to travel.

During the morning session, business and scientific leaders from each of the 6 PPS presented the work developed and deliverables delivered to date. In the afternoon, there was a dynamic of co-creation, where participants explored the value proposition of the project and the next steps for its development.

It was a productive session, crucial for exploring synergies between the consortium entities, and fundamental for achieving the common objectives of the project. Undoubtedly, a dynamic to maintain in 2022.


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Reunião Plenária ActiVas
20 Dec, 2021