TICE.PT participated in the meeting of the Alentejo Regional Innovation Platforms

Following the signing of the Collaboration Protocol for the promotion of the Regional Innovation Platforms, the TICE.PT participated on February 19th, in the Joint Reflection Forum between the Operational Coordination, ensured in partnership by CCDR and PACT, with the members of the Regional Innovation Council and with the respective Coordinators and Co-Coordinators of each of the Innovation Platforms,  with the aim of taking stock of the work on the elaboration of the strategies inherent to each of the Regional Innovation Platforms.

The highlight of the agenda was the presentation of the status of each of the Regional Innovation Platforms, which are part of the governance model proposed to operationalize the Regional Strategy for Smart Specialization of Alentejo (EREI 2030). This model is based on the establishment of three Regional Innovation Platforms, namely: Platform for the promotion of Sustainability and Territorial Cohesion (PlaSuCT); Platform for the Strengthening of Regional Production Chains (PlaCaPRe); Platform for the Promotion of Regional Human Resources Qualifications (PlaQuaR).

The Alentejo Regional Innovation Council is part of the Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-A), and ensures the necessary functional articulations with the Regional Council as representative entities of the Regional Scientific and Technological System, technology producers and advanced users, planning and management entities of relevant sectoral and R&I policies,  companies and other economic and social agents, as well as inter-municipal entities.

O TICE.PT participou na reunião das Plataformas Regionais de Inovação do Alentejo
22 Mar, 2024