Launch of Green Financial Support for SMEs by Silicon Eurocluster

Silicon Eurocluster launched its latest initiative, the Green Financial Support program, aimed at supporting the sustainable transformation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) within the European electronics sector by providing Green Financial Support to SMEs working on electronics sector.

Silicon Eurocluster is offering financial support worth €3,600 each to SMEs, helping them engage with external consultants for guidance on their green transformation journey. A total of 25 SMEs will benefit from this initiative that will foster more sustainable business practices. Applications open on February 28 at 12:00 CET and close on April 30, 2024, at 17:00 CET.

Eligible SMEs across the EU, meeting the European Commission’s criteria and engaged in the electronics ecosystem, are encouraged to apply. This includes businesses specializing in fields such as radio communications, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and beyond.

Applicants will have the opportunity to select their service provider from the Green Expert Catalogue, ensuring high-quality consultancy services in various areas, including:

• Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

• Waste Management and Recycling

• Supply Chain Sustainability

• Product Design and Life Cycle Analysis

• Environmental Compliance

• Circular Economy Practices

• Sustainable Packaging

• Green Certifications

• Carbon Footprint Reduction

• Green Transition Training

• Water Management

For more details on the application process and eligibility criteria, visit the website.

Lançamento de apoio financeiro verde às PME pelo Silicon Eurocluster
22 Mar, 2024