2nd Joint Transnational Call: "Innovating to Prevent: Personalized Prevention in Health and Care Services"

The second joint transnational call - THCS 2024 call "Innovate to Prevent: Personalised Prevention in Health and Care Services" - has just been launched and can be consulted on the partnership's website. The deadline for submitting the "Intent of Apply" is April 16, 2024. The final proposal must be submitted by May 14, 2024.

The national budget for this call has funds from FCT and CCDRC, totaling 900 thousand euros. The FCT allocation is €0.5 million and the funding allocated by the CCDRC is €0.4 million. The amount allocated by the CCDRC to this call reinforces the allocation available to its regional agents.

The international coordination of this Partnership will hold an informative webinar on this second Joint Transnational Competition, on March 12, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm.

Registration is mandatory and can be done here.

CCDRC participates in the European Partnership Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS), approved by the European Commission in the context of the Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027).

Its main objective is to coordinate and optimise research and innovation efforts in Europe by supporting the transformation of health systems and care, which are intended to be more sustainable and efficient, focused on people and accessible to all. With the involvement of 26 countries, this Partnership's main activity is the funding of research and innovation projects through the launch of joint transnational calls.

If you would like additional information, you can contact the International Secretariat (thcs@zonmw.nl) or the National Funding Agencies.

If you would like to apply for the allocation available from the CCDRC, you can contact us through the following email: ccdrc.projects@ccdrc.pt.

2.º Concurso Transnacional Conjunto: "Innovate to Prevent: Personalised Prevention in Health and Care Services"
22 Mar, 2024