TICE.PT was present at the Presentation of the CIT - Center for Territorial Intelligence
On February 15th, the CIT - Territorial Intelligence Center was presented at the Data CoLAB facilities in Viana do Castelo.
CIT is a platform that provides data as a service (DaaS), making data on governance, environment, mobility, ways of life, society and economy available through the generation of customized reports and dashboards for Municipalities across the country. This service, powered by Data CoLAB, as a data-driven collaborative laboratory, it emerges as a solution to combine data with advanced analytics, allowing the digital development of the various Municipalities, according to their priorities, enhancing informed decision-making and driving the country's smart development.
The program was attended by the President of Data CoLAB, António Dias, who welcomed and framed the CIT, which was presented in detail by Ana Gonçalves, Director of Product Development. The Mayor of Viana do Castelo, Luís Nobre, praised the result and the importance for the region of the effort made by Data CoLAB together with IPVC and the City Council. This was followed by the presentation of the project B-Smart Famalição, by the Municipal Director of Vila Nova de Famalicão, Vítor Moreira. The closing of the session was in charge of the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation, Mário Campolargo, who underlined the importance of this service for the digital transition and for the creation of Digital Twins of Municipalities, Regions and the whole country. He also highlighted how these initiatives show that Portugal is positioned at the forefront of an increasingly better society.
The platform is now available for consultation at: https://www.inteligenciaterritorial.pt/