Ubiwhere acolhe o evento "Route to the Future: O caminho para os Territórios Inteligentes"

On April 30th, at Ubiwhere's facilities, the event "Route to the Future: The path to Smart Territories" will take place.

The main objective of the event is to make known the Future of Connected and Autonomous Mobility in Portugal.

Esta sessão realiza-se no âmbito do projeto Route 25 que contará com a inauguração do CCAM Open Lab, onde decorrem as ações de desenvolvimento tecnológico no âmbito do projeto.

The main points of the program:

  • The dissemination of the Route 25 Mobilizing Agenda (Mobility - Cooperative, Connected and Autonomous), with Capgemini, Instituto de Telecomunicações and Ubiwhere, financed by the PRR;
  • The participation of the Municipalities of Aveiro, Ílhavo, Fundão and Porto Digital Association, in the signing of a CCAM declaration of principles;
  • The dissemination of Ubiwhere's Urban Platform, a territorial intelligence solution with refined capabilities in the field of Urban Mobility;
  • The inauguration of the Route 25 CCAM Open Lab, a laboratory consisting of a 5G-CCAM test chamber and a 5G Command, Control and Teledrive cockpit.

Participation is free, but registration is required through this form

Ubiwhere acolhe o evento "Route to the Future: O caminho para os Territórios Inteligentes"
09 May, 2024