

Promoting Entity:
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Total eligible cost:
Financial support from the European Union:
TICE.PT total eligible cost:
Financial support from the European Union of TICE.PT:
Start date:
Date of the conclusion:
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Entidades Financiadoras

C-HUB is a Cybersecurity Digital Innovation Hub, and was recognized by the Office of the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition on June 25, 2021.

C-HUB aims to become a national and European reference in the implementation of digital transformation processes, through a neutral and secure approach by organizations, namely the Public Administration (PA) and the private sector, in particular micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


The C-Hub's main mission is "To respond to the needs, in support of SMEs and PA, in the field of Cybersecurity in their digital transformation processes."

C-HUB was created to foster research and development, introduce cybersecurity innovation in digital transformation processes, in order to support SMEs and Public Administration entities on their path of cyber resilience and maturity.
In this sense, C-HUB intends to aggregate the services provided by the partners, complementing the offer of each one in a set of new services available and increase its geographical coverage, responding in an integrated and multidisciplinary way to the needs of SMEs and Public Administration.


This aims to provide activities of:

  • experimentation and demonstration,
  • Prototyping
  • certification
  • and technology transfer in cybersecurity.


These activities will focus primarily on areas such as incident response, intrusion detection, social engineering, industrial control systems, IoT, communication systems and networks, distributed and decentralized systems, cryptographic protocols, computer forensics and blockchain.