Lead Promoter |  TICE.PT

Operation type | Sistema de Apoio a Ações Coletivas - Redes e outras formas de parceria e cooperação CLUSTERS DE COMPETITIVIDADE

Total eligible investment | 202.494,82€

European Union funding support through FEDER | 101.247.41€

Start date | 28.12.2020

End date | 27.07.2022

Intervention area | Centro, Norte e Alentejo

Co-funding | COMPETE 2020, P2020, FEDER

Entidades Financiadoras



Project name: CONNECTION

Reference: 113241

Description: Both cluster TICE.PT and the ICTe Sector, reinforcement of clustering activities on innovation and international competitive capacity, focusing on the following areas: innovation and technology transfer; industry 4.0; strengthening the connection between startups and industrial companies; internationalization; PRR, circular economy and the Green Deal.


Strategic Objective: to reinforce clustering activities and their effectiveness and efficiency on innovation and international competitive capacity, of the cluster and the ICTe sector, focusing on the following areas of action: innovation and technology transfer; industry digitization – Industry 4.0; strengthening the link between startups and industrial companies; internationalization; Recovery and Resilience Plan, Circular Economy and Green Deal.

Briefly, TICE.PT with this project intends to:

  • Accelerate the process of digital transformation of the economy using knowledge, products and services with national added value.
  • Increase the international recognition of national competences in the ICTe areas
  • Increase the involvement of TICE.PT in international networks and leverage the sector's international positioning.
  • Cooperate in the recognition of Portugal as a knowledge platform with innovation capacity, particularly in the ICTe sector.
  • Foster cooperation among clusters at a national level and increase the international recognition of portuguese national clusters in international networks, in particular European ones.
  • Participate in initiatives related to the labeling process of European clusters.
  • Renew the “Gold Label” as a form of international recognition of the management abilities and dynamics of TICE.PT


Operational Objectives:

1. Promote a national brand in the area of ​​technologies and brands of a collective nature whenever possible.

2. Contribute spread information to the Sector with the “state of the art” and strategic objectives set out by public decision-makers and other relevant entities.

3. Support the digital transformation of national companies, accordingly with European initiatives within the scope of the Green Deal and circular economy, Digital Innovation Hub's and national initiatives in this scope.

4. Organization and implementation of awareness, information and demonstration actions