Promoting Entity:
Co-promoting entities:
Total eligible cost:
Financial support from the European Union:
TICE.PT total eligible cost:
Financial support from the European Union of TICE.PT:
Start date:
Date of the conclusion:
Co-financing entity:

Entidades Financiadoras

PTCentroDiH is a regional and transversal HUB, which will cover the full range of digital needs of SMEs, and other public and private entities in the Central Region.
Thus, and as a way to support the digital transformation of the population, companies and the public sector of this region, the PTCentroDiH consortium includes a set of skills in digital technologies highlighted in the regulation.

  • Artificial intelligence
  • High Performance Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Qualification in advanced digital skills
  • Digital Solutions / Interoperability for the Public Sector
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Robotics
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality
  • Internet of Things
  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Advanced materials
  • Nanotechnologies
  • Micro and Nano electronics
  • Photonics
  • Simulation
  • Cyber Physical Systems
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing
  • Mobility
  • Connectivity


PTCentroDiH's main mission is to create conditions to ensure that companies (SMEs and others), as well as other public or private institutions can access the services they need for their digital transformation and that regional stakeholders can have access to proofs of concept with innovative solutions and scalable technologies.
PTCentroDiH is a regional and transversal Digital Innovation Pole that is strongly focused on promoting the digitalization of the entities of the Central Region in order to enhance competitiveness and innovation. In addition, PTCentroDiH also aims to become an European Digital Innovation Centre, supported by the Digital Europe Programme. In this context, PTcentroDiH has the following general objectives:

  • Stimulate the digital development of entities in the Central Region, in particular SMEs, as well as other public and private institutions, in favor of competitiveness. This will be fully aligned with the Region's Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3)
  • Contribute to the identification of the needs of qualification and requalification of human resources, with the objective of increasing the economic and social competitiveness of the Central Region
  • Respond to the requirements identified in the Digital Europe Programme, with regard to privileging 3 digital technologies: HPC (High Performance Computing), Artificial Intelligence, and cybersecurity
  • To lay the foundations for an intensification of synergies at a national and international level


PTCentroDiH has defined a set of specific objectives, such as:

  • Act as a regional first point of contact and strengthen the regional innovation ecosystem
  • Constant updating of the main needs of the Region in terms of digital technologies
  • Establish a portfolio of innovative services that will help entities become more competitive and innovative through the adoption of digital technologies
  • Develop a platform that will associate the main service providers in the region, with the entities that need digitization services
  • Have a focus on cybersecurity          
  • Apply for the European Digital Innovation Hub (DiH) recognition
  • Develop strong links with other DIH at a national and international level
  • Promote the development of activities that promote the establishment of synergies between regional entities