Strategic Matrix

To achieve the strategy, the intervention of the TICE.PT is focused on a set of horizontal intervention areas, at the  production level of TICE products and services, to apply in vertical intervention fields (socio-economical sectors), with the “Internet of the Future” functioning as a structuring framework and aggregating element.

Training and convertion of human resources capabilities, qualification of companies and of infrastructures for incubation and development, and internationalisation, are considered the fundamental intervention vectors for the sustainability of the recommended strategy.

Matriz Estratégica

The horizontal intervention areas of National Portuguese ICT Cluster TICE.PT are the following:

  • Information Systems;
  • Telecommunications;
  • Electronics,


The horizontal intervention areas provide sustainability for the set of vertical intervention areas:

  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Environment;
  • Education;
  • Organisational Efficiency;
  • Health and Quality of Life;
  • Public Service;
  • Mobility;
  • Culture and Leisure.


The transversal  elements of the intervention strategy of the National Portuguese ICT Cluster TICE.PT are the “Internet of the Future”, training and qualification, and internationalisation.