TICE.PT is a member of IDSA since January 1st


TICE.PT is a member of IDSA since January 1st

On January 1st, TICE.PT joined the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) in line with the strategy it defined for the development of its mission to alert the national ecosystem to the new opportunities that open up in a better use of the data that today are being generated in large numbers by everything and everyone and,  also, in the dissemination of knowledge that is being systematized and standardized in the world in this area.

Created in 2016, IDSA is today an alliance with more than 140 members whose main objective is to create a global standard for the construction of data spaces on the international scene, as well as to foster the emergence and evolution of technologies and business models for the development of the new data economy in Europe and around the world. IDSA develops an open standard, the International Data Spaces - Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM), based on research, standardization and development of products and solutions for the market, with a strong focus on ensuring the sovereignty of each one over their data. In addition to its own central structure, IDSA is organized into several internal technical working groups, open communities that contribute to work in specific sectors/verticals, participation in projects, in national Hubs and Competence Centers.

TICE.PT aims to become an IDSA Competence Center in Portugal, and is currently in the analysis and negotiation phase with IDSA for this implementation.