TICE.PT participates in the formalization of the new ESRA - European Semiconductor Regions Alliance in Brussels

Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 13:00 to 17:00

On September 7th, the formalisation of the new ESRA - European Semiconductor Regions Alliance will take place in Brussels, which is expected to contribute to strengthening the European semiconductor ecosystem in alignment with the European Chips Act (ECA) approved by the European Council in July this year.

The tice.pt Cluster, in its role as a member of the Silicon Europe Alliance, a European metacluster dedicated to the electronics sector (chips and semiconductors), strategically supported this initiative driven by the State of Saxony and whose first step was the signing of an MoU in March, which brought together the 13 founding European regions of this Alliance, including the Central Region of Portugal (CCDR-C).