Lead Promoter | Associação para o Pólo de Competitividade TICE.PT

Total eligible investment | 79.310,00 €

Co-financing | 47.000,00€

Start date | 21-07-2012

End date | 31-12-2013

Co-financed by | COMPETE | QREN | UE

Most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the ICT sector are absent from participation in international joint projects, not following the phase of the emergence of new technologies and markets.

The widespread participation of SMEs in the ICT sector in community projects, in addition to technological updating, enhances competitiveness gains in markets resulting from technological developments in their area of ​​activity, increased capacity for internationalization, international networking and the number of services and products placed on the market. with export possibility.

To characterize the participation of TICE companies in international R&DT programs, the following actions were addressed:

  • Identification of TICE companies participating in community projects
  • Identification of participating thematic areas
  • Identification of constraints found in these participations
  • Identification of the impact of this participation in the development of new products or services
  • Definition of a set of parameters that allow characterizing the profile of companies suitable for participation in community projects

It is worth noting the active support of the Office for the Promotion of the Framework Program for R&DT (GPPQ), DG Connect - European Commission Directorate-General and personalities collaborating with European technological platforms of interest to ICTs regarding access to information and monitoring activities organized under this project.