TICE.PT is part of the entities that signed the Cooperation Protocol for the Central Region

The region of Aveiro secured a Regional Innovation Catalyst.

The Cooperation Protocol was signed for the establishment of the partnership of CR Inove in the Center Region between the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Center (CCDRC) and CIRA.

The Salão Nobre of the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Aveiro hosted this event, on the 25th of July, at 11:30 am, at the launch of the initiative that aims to leverage existing resources and skills in the field of Innovation in the various sub-regions of the Center region and improve the interaction of knowledge and technology producers with their potential users (companies, public administration entities and the third sector).

The ceremony was attended by the President of the Region of Aveiro, Ribau Esteves and the President of the CCDRC, Isabel Damasceno.

In the Aveiro Region, CIRA, the University of Aveiro, AIDA - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the District of Aveiro, the Science and Innovation Park, TICE.PT - Association for the Technologies of Information, Communication and Electronics, ABIMOTA - National Association of Two-Wheel, Hardware, Furniture and Related Industries, and the Platform Association for Sustainable Construction.

Partnerships are being made with the eight sub-regions of the Centro Region, through Cooperation Protocols, through which the partners assume the commitment to develop, in a concerted and participatory manner, joint initiatives on topics relevant to the promotion process. of innovation, the systematization and updating of information and competences of the entities of the Regional Innovation System belonging to the Region of Aveiro, the creation of mechanisms for sharing and disseminating information, the promotion of the development of contents, instruments and methodologies for training actors and transferability of knowledge and technologies.

TICE.PT integra o grupo de entidades que assinaram o Protocolo de Cooperação para a  Região Centro
22 Jul, 2022