TICE.PT organized a meeting about the Digital Product Passport

The topic of Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a common concern for various industry sectors. Thus, the TICE.PT saw it as pertinent, within the scope of the Blockchain.PT Mobilizing Agenda  (and in particular its Interoperability WP7), to be able to contribute to the definition of a set of guidelines for the DPPs to be defined within the scope of different Agendas.

Following this, the TICE.PT organized a meeting on the Digital Product Passport that took place on April 2nd, at the Science and Innovation Park in Ílhavo, where it invited the Mobilizing Agendas in which the TICE.PT is a partner as well as others where it identified the importance of this topic, to participate in a first joint working meeting focused on trying to find a harmonized work path.

This meeting was attended by 18 people, from 10 entities, representing 5 Mobilizing Agendas (BLOCKCHAIN.PT, ATE - Aliança para a Transição Energética, ECP | Ecocerâmica e Cristalaria de Portugal, Embalagem do Futuro e Agenda ILLIANCE).

The main objectives of this meeting were to create synergies between the various  technological players of each Agenda, to promote mutual knowledge, to get to know the projects under development and to enhance the achievement of two cross-cutting objectives:

  • ​​The creation of a  common framework on the concept of DPP (adaptable to the requirements of each vertical);
  • ​Interoperability between different Blockchain implementations (allowing the interconnection of diverse solutions in complex value chains).

It is the objective of this working group to continue with the holding of regular meetings.

O TICE.PT organizou uma reunião sobre o Passaporte Digital de Produto
09 May, 2024