PME Digital

PME Digital

Lead promoter |  ISQ

Co-promoters | IPP - ESMAD and TICE.PT

Project type | 03/SIAC/2017

Total eligible cost | 600.739,78 Euros

Financial support EU | 510.628,81 Euros

Start date | 01.05.2018

End date | 31.10.2020

Co-funding | COMPETE 2020, P2020, FEDER

Entidades Financiadoras
PME Digital


Main goal:


The PME Digital project has the general objective of training, providing information and increasing the entrepreneurial skills of SMEs for the adoption of I4.0 measures, technologies and tools, promoting the acceleration of the Portuguese economy towards a digital economy, also seeking to establish the conditions for basis for the realization of projects of increased ambition in the fields of automobiles, materials, raw materials (mineral resources) and commerce.

ISQ - Institute of Welding and Quality, the Cluster of Information Communication and Electronic Technologies TICE.PT and the Escola Superior de Media, Artes e Design (ESMAD) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, are the promoters of the consortium of this project, led by ISQ

The consortium also understood that, in order to create a truly mobilizing project for SMEs, it is essential to involve regional entities and clusters, not only for their knowledge of the region and the regional specificities of SMEs, but also for the specific knowledge of the sectors to be addressed by the project. . Thus, the clusters of the lines to be studied are constituted as technical assistance entities for the project, namely: Mobinov-Association of the Automobile Cluster, the Platform Association for Sustainable Construction (Sustainable Habitat Cluster) and ACPMR-Association Cluster Portugal Mineral Resources (Portugal Mineral Resources Cluster).


Expected results:

About the intensity of the impacts on business competitiveness, some of the results advocated in the Digital SME project are highlighted:

1. Change in behavior: Change in behavior in view of the importance of business management, supported by I4.0 tools and technologies, as a critical resource for competitiveness.

2. Empowerment of entrepreneurs: Empowerment of entrepreneurs for digital transformation and implementation of I4.0 tools, technologies, and methodologies.

3. Promotion of a cooperative spirit: Promotion of a greater cooperative spirit between companies in the sector and between these and the National Scientific and Technological System

4. Leverage: The leverage potential with the satellite sectors of the studied rows, upstream and downstream.

5. Transferability: The transferability of the model of this project to other sectors and other regions.

6. Projection and visibility: The projection and visibility of the sectors addressed for the country, which is preparing for the adoption of Industry 4.0.