Estratégia de Envolvimento das TICE no Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação nos PALOP

Estratégia de Envolvimento das TICE no Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação nos PALOP

Lead Promoter | Associação para o Pólo de Competitividade TICE.PT

Total eligible investment |  1106.404,00 €

Co-financing | 74.483,00€

Start date | 01-11-2012

End date | 31-01-2014

Co-financed by | COMPETE | QREN | UE

The project "Strategy for the Involvement of tices in the Development of the Information Society in the PALOPs" aims to identify structured forms of greater connection and involvement of the Portuguese tice sector in the development of the PALOPs (Portuguese-speaking African Countries), promoting exports and the internationalization of companies companies, the image of Portugal and the Portuguese tice sector, Portugal's international positioning in tices, the competitiveness of the economy, entrepreneurship, employability, and technological innovation.

This project therefore wants to go beyond the efforts that are already being made with the support of trade missions and presence at fairs, seeking to implement new, more strategic methods with a more permanent effect.

Specifically, it intends to produce a result for an entire sector, which otherwise, by the private sector, would not be produced, since its benefits are collective and not appropriable by a single entity.