NOS HUB 5G - First Anniversary Commemorative Session

The session that marked the first anniversary of NOS HUB 5G took place on July 13, at the NOS Building (in Parque das Nações), in Lisbon, starting at 10:30 am.

During the event it was possible to see the presentation of the Test Bed 5G & Digital Transformation, a consortium, led by NOS, which aims to make 5G a centerpiece in digital transformation, accelerating its adoption in Portugal and contributing to convergence at European level, and also the interventions of the Administrators of NOS, Manuel Ramalho Eanes and Jorge Graça,  as well as Duarte Mineiro, from Armilar.

As a type of general assessment of the year, The results were presented. This project, NOS Hub 5G, 260 companies, 60 partners and had 55 events and 38 use cases.

The session took place following the previously defined agenda:

10h30   Reception of guests

11h00   Opening: NOS Administrator, Manuel Ramalho Eanes - "A Year of 5G NOS HUB"
11h20   Intervention CTIO NOS, Jorge Graça - "Innovation and 5G"
11h40   Intervention Duarte Mineiro, Armilar Venture Partners - "The country, entrepreneurship and 5G"
12h00   Presentation Test Bed 5G & Digital Transformation
12h10   Panel Test Bed 5G & Digital Transformation
12h40   Signature Test Bed 5G & Digital Transformation
12h50   Closure

It is important to emphasize that NOS's 5G innovation center is a space for creation, experimentation and technological transformation.  

This is where NOS's ambition to lead the development of the fifth generation mobile takes shape. 

Providing companies and educational and research institutions with a 5G acceleration model to respond to the challenges of digitalization, NOS HUB 5G is a living laboratory where it is possible to witness the main technological trends of today.

5G is 10 times faster, with an instant response and the ability to connect thousands of devices in a small space, up to 1 million per km2.

The 5G mobile network allows you to do what no one else has done and this already happens in countless applications of the technology that benefit people, cities and society in general.

NOS has demonstrated many potentialities of the fifth generation in several pioneering milestones in 2021, such as the implementation of the 1st 5G Stadium, the 1st 5G Beach or the 1st 5G School.

NOS HUB 5G - Sessão comemorativa do primeiro aniversário
14 Jul, 2023